Custom Orthotics

custom orthotics

Custom Orthotics are inserts worn in the shoes and fitted to the feet in order to relieve stresses on the feet and alleviate pain. Your feet have a direct impact on the rest of your body. Like the foundation of a house, your feet support the weight of everything above them. When a small problem develops in your feet, the subtle change in the way you walk will cause a chain reaction of adjustments in your posture and walking mechanics. These challenges can put stress on joints higher up in your body, and lead to more serious problems.

Custom orthotics help reduce pain and discomfort by restoring the normal balance and alignment of your body and gently correcting foot abnormalities.

The symptoms of faulty foot mechanics can include one or more of the following:

  • Localized foot pain
  • Bunions, calluses, hammer toes
  • Arch and heel pain
  • Leg and knee pain
  • Hip or back pain, even neck pain.